
大橋鍍金工廠創業於民國35年(1946),復於民國39年(1950)在台北市大稻埕創立大橋00000002s廠。在創辦人林東桂先生的經營下,首先以裝飾性鍍鉻機能性鍍鉻(硬鉻)服務工業界,並於民國43年(1954)加入台灣省工業會,民國59年(1970)改制後加入台北市工業會。第二代經營者於民國67年(1978)成立泰橋股份有限公司,民國69年(1980)另於桃園市設立泰橋廠,基地共500餘坪。近年來更配合各類產業界工程需要,結合精密研磨機床,車床等工作母機,以提供優良之零組件的完整供應,並於民國69年、73年二度赴日見習,成立營業部以代理「日本技研株式會社」(日本技研株式会社)之專利產品「金屬熔融充填機」(Pinhole Inlay)。除提供重要另件之修補再生,並行銷於全國。


Company Profile 
Tai Chauo Plating Co., Ltd, a leading company in the surface treatment industry, was founded by Dong-Guei Lin in 1946 and then its first foundry building was established in Tataocheng, Taipei, Taiwan in 1950. Since joining the Taiwan Provincial Industrial Association in 1954, Mr. Lin devoted himself to improving the plating technology and first provided the decorative chromium plating service in the industry. In order to meet the growing needs from a number of industries and the challenging durability requirements for industrial mechanical parts, the first branch was established in Chongqing N. Rd. (headquarter now) to provide professional hard chromium plating service in 1955. After Taipei city was changed to a municipality, Tai Chauo Plating Co., Ltd, then joined the Industrial Association of Taipei City in 1970. Another big branch (Tai Chauo Co., Ltd) whose factory area is more than 1700 square meters was established in Taoyuan County.




Our Vision 
In order to meet the mechanical engineering industry needs, in recent years we also purchased precision grinding machines and lathes to provide a full supply chain of excellent mechanical components. In 1984, we purchased the patented product of Tokushu Giken Co., Ltd–Pinhole Inlay machine–to provide excellent pinhole filling service and earned the agency authority for this product to sell it in Taiwan. In order for the higher requirements of the industry, superior product quality and better service in the future, we are leveraging our technology and management to keep us as one of the leading companies in the surface treatment industry.